Wausau Pilot & Review
Editor’s note: Business of the Week is a sponsored feature that shares the stories of locally-owned and operated businesses in the Wausau area, highlighting the products and services they offer and the ways they contribute to the metro area’s unique flavor. Learn how to feature your business by emailing christina@wausaupilotandreview.com.
This week’s featured business is Buska Retirement Solutions and its partner organization, Buska Wealth Management, 1818 Grand Ave., Wausau. Cole Bruner, vice president of BRS and president of BWM, along with BRS President Suzanne Buska-DeSautel are the core of this team, which expands on a family tradition started four generations ago. Sue started working for her father, at Buska & Buska Insurance, in 1980 and in 1992 launched Buska Retirement Solutions as a way to help people retire with confidence and turn their dreams into reality. As crucial as that is,…