Vacation of tax-related Covid-19 stimulus economic packages in January 2021 was probably premature. [Courtesy]
The world of economics and money is not a caricature of abstract theories or works of fiction. In developed financial or capital markets, a minute means trades worth billions of dollars, especially in highly digitised securities markets. For millions of the world’s populace, the rising of the sun in the east and its setting in the west is an uneventful routine they get accustomed to. That routine soon turns into weeks, months, years, decades and eventually centuries.
However, in economics, every single passing second has significant allocative and/or distributive impact on wealth at individual or macroeconomic level. For instance, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) dropped more than 1,000 points in 10 minutes on May 6, 2010. In those short minutes, the stock market wiped out value worth over US$1 trillion…