Happy Friday and welcome to On The Money, your nightly guide to everything affecting your bills, bank account and bottom line. Subscribe here: thehill.com/newsletter-signup.
Today’s Big Deal: The Canadian trucker blockade is blocking car production, potentially driving prices even higher. We’ll also look at the challenges facing a potential stock trading ban in Congress.
But first, Cardi B is getting tired of inflation.
For The Hill, we’re Sylvan Lane, Aris Folley and Karl Evers-Hillstrom. Reach us at slane@thehill.com or @SylvanLane, afolley@thehill.com or @ArisFolley and kevers@thehill.com or @KarlMEvers.
Let’s get to it.
Trucker blockades a threat to auto industry
Blockades at major U.S.-Canada border crossings caused by truckers protesting COVID-19 vaccine mandates could worsen the existing car shortage that has driven up prices to record levels.
The skyrocketing cost of cars and trucks — which has played a…